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  market and any time frame understanding

this way of trading is so important for
anyone interested in being consistently
profitable i believe looking at the
market in the way i'm going to describe
will exponentially increase your chance
of being a successful trader so hang
tight and get ready for how stupid
simple this is it is really simple but
that doesn't mean it's going to be easy
before i get any further into things
just be sure to use my buy bit link in
the description of this video if you
want to support the channel and start
trading on the best crypto exchange
now onto the main topic
first i have some simple truths i want
you to think about
you know don't worry though i'm going to
be talking about an actual strategy in a
little but i want you to be thinking
like me first
got to get in your head
to the right place you know i'm trying
to get your head in the right place so
this might seem dumb but you know trust
me this is important let's think about
looking at any chart and being able to
see the future price data when we
you know when are the best times to
and one of the best times to enter long
well obviously if you can see the future
price data you'd say
well you know i'd short this high up
i'd short here i would short here
i would short here and i would buy long
on this dip buy this dip i would buy
here and
it's obvious right
so what if i told you that
these are the trades that i really took
what if i told you i actually went short
right here
on euro against the us dollar
well i really did and it's using such a
simple concept of trading i called it in
real time on my patreon page this exact
trade where i shorted euro against the
us dollar right here
let's get into this a bit and talk about
this really important simple concept of
you know
trading and
viewing the market in general
and you know i'll give you a little bit
of a strategy as well so it's not going
to be just you know concepts and stuff
because i know a lot of people want and
you know they want an actual strategy to
go out and trade with but
you know the strategy part isn't as
important as just the general concept
that i'm teaching so let's get into it
all right major concept number one
you're using overbought and oversold the
wrong way
the right way to think about it
is in a downtrend there's no such thing
as oversold
in an uptrend there's no such thing as
in a downtrend
there is
only overbought
and in an uptrend there is only
thinking about it this way is extremely
and let's just get into an example of
exactly what i mean
if you look at any trend where we're
using the 200 ema
as the thing that determines the trend
you can see
when price
goes oversold according to indicators
it keeps on going it keeps on trucking
price doesn't care about oversold in a
downtrend so where does price first go


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